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The Sound of Truth

Sep 30, 2017

Life isn’t perfect. Deep down, we all know that. Every day we walk past people who are suffering through trials we couldn’t even begin to imagine. But, when things go wrong in our own lives, it always seems to come as a shock. We always seem to find ourselves asking, “Why, Lord? Why?” Those problems can be physically related, but sometimes they’re financial, or emotional, or marital… The list can extend on forever. The fact is, we all encounter problems, even as Christians.

Marriage is very much the same way. No marriage is perfect. Problems come and go. But, the marriages that last are built upon vows. Vows like, “I will love this person in sickness and in health, whether rich or poor, for better or for worse…” Keeping those vows isn’t always easy, but it keeps a marriage together.

The same can be said for our relationship with Jesus. If we are the Bride of Christ as the Bible says then it stands to reason we are to understand some of the vows between ourselves and the Lord. If we can understand those vows, our relationship with Him becomes that much stronger.

King Hezekiah encountered this himself. When life seemed to be going perfect, he encountered one of the biggest trials of his entire life. But, his faith in God helps us to understand the vows God has made to us and the vows we must make to Him. In turn, we can better understand our relationship with Him.