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The Sound of Truth

Mar 31, 2017

Sports fans love to discuss what I call "dream battles." Battles that could never really take place, but they're fun to discuss and think about. What would happen if two athletes who performed years apart were able to battle against one another in their sport? Who would come out on top? Who would be the victor?

When it comes to the battle of our own traditions vs. God's commandments, we don't need to dream about it. In fact, it may just be closer to a nightmare for some. Perhaps worst of all, it is a very real battle taking place daily in many of our lives.

Sometimes, like the Pharisees before us, we let our traditions get in the way of serving God. Anything that upsets the status quo in our churches or ministries or lives is reason for complaint. However, Jesus did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it. He doesn't want complacent or comfortable Christians. He is less concerned with your shirt than He is with your heart. Those commandments He has given us are vital and important.

Man's dead traditions versus God's living commandments: which wins out in your life?