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The Sound of Truth

Dec 16, 2017

We spend our whole lives trying to plan and plot out every little detail. We try to plan what we will do with our lives, where we will work, where we will go, what we will do. We try to plan down to the minutest details. Yet, our plans often fail and fade away. They’re here one moment, gone the very next. They don’t work out the way we hope they do and they pass away. But, God’s plans never change. God’s plans always come to pass.

The question is can God’s plans be trusted? Not just individually, but nationally and globally, can God’s plans really be trusted? The obvious answer is, yes! Of course they can be trusted! But, so many people doubt God. They doubt His plans. They doubt He’s got their best interest in mind.

The Bible is very clear in Romans 8:28. It tells us that God is working all things out for the good of those who believe in Him. If you believe in Jesus, glory to God, everything is working out for your good! But, what about the suffering we face daily? What about the tribulation we encounter? The temptations? Is this all really part of God’s plan too? And, if it is, how can we still trust that He’s working it out for good, that He really does have our best interest in mind?

We will try to answer all of these questions this week as we look at Romans 8:18-30.